Apprenticeship Week 2024

National Apprenticeship Week​ (NAW) is an annual celebration highlighting the significance of apprenticeships in the workforce and the community. The 10th anniversary will take place from November 17-23, 2024. NAW showcases the benefits of apprenticeship programs by bringing together businesses, labor lead​ers, educational institutions, government agencies, workforce partners, community organizations, and career seekers. Excitement is generated among a diverse audience, including curious individuals, potential apprentices, employers, and prospective partners.

The weeklong celebration is an opportunity for schools, organizations, employers, sponsors, grantees, Apprenticeship Specialists, and Intermediaries to showcase programs, facilities, and apprentices while spotlighting the benefits of learning and earning. Illinois' participation through hosting events and signing proclamations has led us to be a leader in the nation for Apprenticeship Week through the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) event and proclamation tracking.​




#ApprenticeshipIL #NAW2024
#DecadeOfNAW #ApprenticeshipUSA​
Apprenticeship Illinois Logo
How to Celebrate:​
Checkmark Events: A​tt​end | Host
Checkmark ​Proclamations: ViewSubmit
Checkmark ​Social Media: Post | Follow​
Checkmark ​Newsletter: Read | Subscribe
Checkmark ​​Learn: Career Seekers | Employers
Checkmark ​Submit Highlights: Illinois​ | DOL


​All the resources you will need to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week are covered between Apprenticeship Illinois and ApprenticeshipUSA. From posting on social media to signing a proclamation, the tools are ready to use. Save time and focus on the actual celebration using resources.

Planning | Promoting | Proclamations

2024 Theme: "10 Years of Engagement, Expansion, and Innovation."

Daily Themes:
  • Monday: Youth and Young People Apprenticeship Day
  • Tuesday: Registered Apprenticeship in New and Emerging Industries and Aro​und the Globe
  • Wednesday: Expanding Registered Apprenticeship to Underserved Populations
  • Thursday: Women in Apprenticeship
  • Friday: Federal Apprenticeship and Veterans in Apprenticeship

Submit Proclamations:

​​Proclamation Templates:

Submit Events:
Submit Event Highlights:



​Entities are encouraged to sign a proclamation declaring National Apprenticeship Week. This formal recognition expresses the value and importance of apprenticeships in expanding workforce opportunities.​


Events are organized throughout the state to highlight the importance of Registered Apprenticeship for the economy and the workforce. Use the Event Calendar below to discover what's happening in your area or online. Attend an event to learn about apprenticeship opportunities, network with others, celebrate achievements, and show your support.

Are you hosting an event? Add events to the Event​​​ Calendar using the Apprenticeship Week series tag.​ Follow the ​Instructions to enhance your outreach.
Apprenticeship Illinois Events (Flyer​)​
​​Date/Time Event Title​​/Registration
​​​​​ Details
October 21, 2024

Overview ​of National Apprenticeship Week Illinois Outreach Webinar​
​An informative discussion on tools and resources to promote Apprenticeship Week and Illinois' upcoming celebration events. Discover essential strategies for raising awareness, marketing tips, and event-planning ideas.
November 12, 2024
Illinois NAW 2024 Showcase Webinar
Employer discussion on experiences in innovative programs, focusing on the benefits of fostering a skilled workforce. Partnerships with community colleges positively impact employers and apprentices.
November 18, 2024
2025 Apprentice Ambassador Cohort Livestrea​​m
Kick off Apprenticeship Week by welcoming the 2025 Apprentice​ Ambassador Cohort​! Learn about the background of the Apprenticeship Illinois Committee and celebrate the first cohort's achievements.
November 21, 2024
Empowering Women in Tech: Pathways to Success Through Apprenticeships Webinar
Leaders and apprentices from CompTIA, Google, United Airlines, and the Illinois Department of Innovation & Technology will discuss insights, strategies, and personal stories on advancing women in tech.
November 22, 2024
Highlighting Illinois Apprentices - Ambassadors Webinar
​An apprentice panel will share their unique journeys and future aspirations! Discover how they navigated career challenges, gained skills, and what opportunities ahead. Hear insights and inspiration from those shaping their paths.

Find Events​
The Event Calendar features events across Illinois, both in person and online. Customize results with filters or enter keywords. ​To change how events are displayed, select either "Month" or "List" and choose "Day" for a detailed view of events scheduled on a specific day within the Month view.​​
Need Assistance?
Apprentice​ship Illinois is here to help! Browse FAQs, submit a question, or reach out for assistance with adding an event or submitting a Proclamation to the state of Illinois or the Department of Labor.​
​​ ​FAQ​s​​​
Blast from the Past
Illinois National Apprenticeship Week

​​Explore Illinois' celebration of Apprenticeship Week over the years, along with other states, in the annual NAW Report published by the U.S. Department of Labor: