Career Readiness

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Resources for providing career readiness assessments and activities.

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Details Resources **indicates resources coming soon

Step:  Prepare

Responsible Person(s):
Provider Staff (responsible for career readiness)

Description:  Review Employability Guide.
Review Career Plan, Job Search Plan, and Achieve Your Goals Instructor Guides.

Decide implementation (complete in one week or complete over several weeks).

Note:  Each participant will need a computer.  They will need to use the Illinois workNet account that was used to complete their SYEP online application.

Achieve Your Goals Instructor Guide**

Career Plan Instructor Guide (PDF)

Help Youth Recover Their Illinois workNet Username and Password (PDF)

Job Search Plan Instructor Guide (PDF)

Step:  Youth Complete Pre-assessment.

Responsible Person(s):
Provider Staff
Youth Participants

Description:​  Direct youth to their pre-assessment.  Youth must complete the pre-assessment in the NEW SYEP 2014 site. 

IMPORTANT! - Do NOT direct them to the same site that was used in SYEP 2013.

Explain the pre-assessment.

​Youth:  How To Access Your Pre-assessment (PDF)

SYEP Pre/Post-assessment Overview (PDF)

Step:  Complete Employment 101 Guide.

Responsible Person(s):
Provider Staff
Youth Participants

Description:  ​Provide an overview of what to expect and the purpose.

Direct Youth to their Employment 101 Guide.

Youth complete the Employment 101 Guide.

​About the Employment 101 Guide**

Achieve Your Goals Instructor Guide**

Career Plan Instructor Guide(PDF)

Help Youth Recover Their Illinois workNet Username and Password (PDF)

Youth:  How To Access Your Employment 101 Guide (PDF)

Job Search Plan Instructor Guide (PDF)

Violence Prevention Word Search Activity (PDF) (Answers)

Violence Prevention Archived Webinars (Archived Training Videos)

Step:  Complete Post-assessment and download Certificate of Completion.

Responsible Person(s):
Provider Staff
Youth Participants

Description:  ​Direct youth to their post-assessment.

Explain the post-assessment.

Youth complete the pre-assessment.

Youth:  ​​How To Access Your Post-Assessment (PDF)

Youth:  How To Print Your Certificate of Completion (PDF)

SYEP Pre/Post-assessment Overview (PDF)

Step: Complete Post-program Survey and Success Story.

Responsible Person(s):
Provider Staff
Youth Participants

Description:  ​Direct youth to the post-program survey.

​Success Story Picture Infographic (PNG)

Youth:  How To Submit Your Success Story (PDF)