Regional/Local Plan & MOU Approval Status Dashboard

The Interagency Work Group, consisting of State-level required partners under WIOA, reviewed regional plans, local plans, and memoranda of understandings (MOUs) ​following Federal and State requirements under WIOA, including the “State of Illinois Regional and Local Planning Guide​” and the “Governor’s Guidelines to State and Local Program Partners Negotiating Costs and Services under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) – Revision 3.”

​​This is a searchable list with every regional plan, local plan, and MOU by economic development region (EDR). The list can be sorted by LWIA, EDR, document type, and approval status.

The approval status reflects the Interagency Work Group’s determination related to each regional plan, local plan, and MOU. Documents in “Approved” or “Approved with Technical Changes” status can be downloaded​ by clicking on the title in the dashboard.

Refer to the instructional document for more information.​