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Incumbent Worker Tracking System (IWTS)

  1. How can I add Incumbent Workers Tab and Options? 

    1. Go to Illinois workNet​ and log into your account.
    2. Go to your My Dashboard and select “Incumbent Worker Tracking Guide and Resources.”
    3. Select on the Incumbent Workers from the menu item.
    4. Click on the "Select" link for the relevant project.
    5. Click the "Add Incumbent Worker" link from the menu options.
    6. Select a target "Employer" from the drop-down tab.
    7. If the employer is not present, "Search for the Site" or "Add" a new employer.
    8. Once the employer is selected, the "Work Site" drop-down tab will be visible.
    9. Once a worksite has been selected, the Incumbent Workers for that employer and worksite will be visible.

    There are 3 Adding Incumbent Worker Options:

    Option 1 -- Adding Employees through Illinois workNet Accounts

    Option 2 -- Adding Multiple Employees

    Option 3 -- Bulk Import of Employees

  2. How can I create and submit an IWT Project Plan? 

    1. ​Go to the Illinois workNet site.
    2. In the footer, select “Partner Resources.” 
    3. From the Partner Programs menu, select “Incumbent Worker Tracking Guide and Resources.”
    4. Select Incumbent Worker Training Plans
    5. Optionally, select any of the filters or click “search” to see a listing of all plans regardless of their status.
    6. Plans are completed following the order of the “Project Navigator Menu.”
    7. To submit a plan for review by Commerce, grantee completes everything up to and including “Submit Plan.”


    • With every screen you will always do one of these to save your work:
      • If there is a “Save” button at the bottom of the screen, always click it. 
      • “Add,” will add the items you selected to the plan.
        “Select Checked Records,” will add all items you check to the plan.
    • As you Save, you’ll know your work saved if you see a green message indicating success.  If you see a red message, make the corrections list and save your corrections.
    • As you Add or Select, you’ll see the items listed at the top of the page.
    • You can select “Review Plan” as you go if you want reassurance.
    • To move on to the next screen, you can click “Next” or use the “Project Navigator Menu.”
    • In the top right corner of the plan, you will always see it’s most current status.
    • Please note that Formula Grants "Add a Project Plan", where as Non-Formula Grants Are initiated by Commerce.
  3. How can I identify all Project Employers whose incumbent workers will participate with this project? 

    One at a time, for each employer:

    On the Organization List tab search for employers by City.  You may also enter a key word but it is recommended to enter the city where the main employer contact is located and click "Search".​

    If found, click on the "Select" link to add the employer to the project.

    If not found, click on the "Add Employer" link and create a new employer record.

    As you add each employer, click "Select" next to the employer from list and complete all required employer information.

    Be sure and correctly indicate if the main employer contact address is a worksite.
    Click "Save".

    Repeat this to add each employer's main contact information.

    Now you will need to identify contacts and worksites for each employer.

    Click "Select", one at a time, for each employer you added.  Once you have selected the employer additional tabs will appear on the screen, including one for employer contacts, and one for employer work sites.

    Click on the employer "Contacts" tab
  4. How can I identify each worksite for each employer? 

    Fill in the worksite form for the selected employer and click "Save".

    To add additional worksites for the selected employer, click the "Add New Worksite" button.

    To add worksites for other employers include with the plan, first click on the "Organization List" tab, select the employer, then add its worksites (and contacts).

    Always click "Save"before continuing.

    Click "Next" to continue."​
  5. How can I login to my Incumbent Workers Reporting?

    Go to the Illinois workNet site http://www.illinoisworknet.com and log into your account.

    Go to your My Dashboard and select “Incumbent Worker Tracking Guide and Resources.”

    Select Incumbent Worker Training Plans

    Select IWTS Reports to see quarterly reports.​
  6. How can I remove employee(s) who have been added to a project and enrolled in one or more courses by mistake.

    ​If employees are added to a project and enrolled in one or more courses but should not have been, so they need to be removed.  There is a two-step process.  Below find instructions for two scenarios:

    SCENARIO 1 - Mistakenly, added employee(s) but did not enroll them in any courses.

    1. Click “Add Employees” from the Project Navigator Menu.
    2. Select the employer and worksite.
    3. A list of employees identified with the employer/worksite now show, select “Remove.”

    SCENARIO 2 – Mistakenly, added employee(s) and enrolled them in courses(s).

    • Have they already been reported on a quarterly report?
      • If No:
        • Using the Project Navigator Menu, click on “Course Registration.”
        • Select the course and filter to see those “Only those IN course.”
        • A list of employees enrolled in the course show, click “Remove.”
      • If Yes:
        • They should have been corrected before submitting the report.
        • If they dropped out or left employment, you have to show this as an outcome.
        • If it was a mistake, you’ll have to request to remove them via the Actions/History.
  7. How can I retrieve Incumbent Workers Project Status Reports? 

    1. Go to Illinois workNet and log into your account.​​
    2. Go to your My Dashboard and select “Incumbent Worker Tracking Guide and Resources.
    3. Select Incumbent Worker Training Plans
    4. Select on the Reporting link under Incumbent Workers from the menu items. 
    5. Select a Project and Report from the drop-down tab.
    6. Once a report has been selected, users are automatically taken to the Project Status Report Tab where reporting criteria is submitted. All required fields such as are high-lighted in red.
    7. Click Save once information has been added.
  8. How can I retrieve Individual Training Status Update Records?

    1. A course must be selected in order to update the training status.
    2. Once a course has been selected, the page will update with students that are enrolled in that course, you can see the workers enrolled in that course.
    3. Select the drop-down next to the student you wish to update and select the desired training status. Repeat for other students on the page for which you wish to change the status.
    4. Click the "Update Workers" button.

  9. How can I retrieve Individual Update Training Outcomes? 

    1. Select the workers you wish to update by clicking the checkbox next to the workers' names.
    2. Select desired Training Outcomes by checking the appropriate training status check-box.
    3. Adjust Page Size to include more workers.
    4. Note that if a worker has not completed any courses, they will not appear on this page.
    5. Click "Alter Checked Records' Status".
    6. Click the "Update Workers" button.
  10. How can I retrieve Mass Training Status Update Records? 

    1. Select the workers you wish to update by clicking the checkbox next to the workers' names. You may select all students on the screen by clicking the checkbox in the table heading, next to the word "Name".
    2. Select the desired status in the drop-down above the grid labeled "training Completion Status".
    3. Adjust Page Size to include more workers.
    4. Click "Alter Checked Records' Status".
    5. Click the "Update Workers" button.
  11. How can I retrieve Mass Update Training Outcomes? 

    1. Select the workers you wish to update by clicking the checkbox next to the workers' names. You may select all students on the screen by clicking the checkbox in the table heading, next to the word "Name".
    2. Select the desired training outcome from the check boxes above the grid labeled "Retained Employment, Wage Increase, and Promotion".
    3. Adjust Page Size to include more workers.
    4. Click "Alter Checked Records' Status".
    5. Click the "Update Workers" button.
  12. How can I review & submit information? 

    1. All project information can be reviewed before submitting quarterly reports in the Review and Submit Tab.
    2. You can also print out a copy of your report or go back and make changes.
    3. Once you have reviewed your report, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Submit.
  13. How can I review and submit my completed project plan?

    ​Click "Next" to go to the Review Project Plan screen.

    Review all of the information on the plan.

    If needed, to go back to a screen that needs corrections by using the navigation links on the left, modify the information and click "Save".

    Review the project plan again.

    If everything looks ok, click "Next" to go to the Submit Project Plan screen.

    Click the "Submit Project Plan" button.

    You will receive a confirmation message in green at the top of the page stating the plan has been submitted or an error message stating which parts of the plan need to be corrected.

    If corrections are needed make note of which parts they are and repeat steps to submit the plan to Commerce.
    Once submitted, Commerce is automatically notified, will review your plan and respond by either accepting it or providing comments.
  14. How can I search for contacts in the Incumbent Worker Tracking System Project Plan? 

    ​In the search box type in the contacts email, first name, or last name (DO NOT TYPE BOTH FIRST AND LAST NAME) for a primary and any secondary contact with the employer, one at a time.

    Click "Search".
    From the listing of contacts displayed, find the contact you need and click the "Add"link.  The system will add the contact to the contact list.

    If the contact is not already in the system, after attempting the search, click "Add New Person" at the bottom of the screen.  Add their information and "Save".

    Repeat to add additional contacts.

    Repeat all step for each employer.

    Click the "Work Sites" tab.​
  15. How do I add Grantee Organization and Contacts information completely and correctly? 

    ​If the organization information in not correct or needs information added, make updates and click "Save".

    Click the "Contacts" tab.  The primary contact was identified by Commerce. Here you add additional contacts and identify who is primary and others as secondary.  The primary contact will receive emailed system notifications pertaining to your project.

    To add more contacts, first type in the email address of the person and click "Search".  The system will look for that person's Workforce Professionals account.  If the other contacts do not have an account, have them set one up.  Otherwise they will not have access to IWTS.  Once you add other contacts, you may click "Select" to change the primary contact.

    Click "Save".

    Click "Next" to continue.​
  16. How to select occupations for an employee that are not currently selected with your plan?

    ​To add more occupations for an approved plan, you must have Commerce re-open the plan. Contact your Commerce contact and they will be able to assist you with getting the plan reopened so you can add additional occupations you need.

  17. If we have multiple projects within our Grant and one of them is not an Incumbent Worker Project it’s a Dislocated Worker OJT Project how do we handle situation?

    ​Dislocated workers are tracked within a different system than incumbent workers and, depending on whom you are serving, you must use the proper system for reporting.  Illinois Workforce Development System (IWDS) is for tracking the service to dislocated workers.  Incumbent Worker Tracking System (IWTS) is for tracking service to incumbent workers. 

  18. What are the reporting field options for Bulk Import? 

    ​Disability Category

    1. Physical Impairment
    2. Mental Impairment
    3. Both
    Disability Status
    1. None
    2. Yes
    3. Disability Affecting Employment
    4. Developmental Disability
    5. Learning Disability
    6. Prefer Not To Answer
    1. White
    2. Black
    3. Hispanic
    4. American Indian or Alaskan Native
    5. Asian
    6. Hawaiian or Pacific Island
    7. Prefer not to answer​
    Labor Force Status
    1. Employed
    2. Not in labor force
    3. Unemployed
    4. Received notice of Termination/ Military Separation
    Military Status
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Qualified Spouse
    4. Transitioning Service Member
    5. Prefer not to answer"
  19. What are the three different options for adding Incumbent Workers? 


    You may search for an existing person or immediately add a new person by clicking on the "Add New Person" button.

    Click on the "Search for Person" button to locate and select existing users within the system.

    If the target person is on the list, click on the "Add" button to associate with the current work site.

    The system will display the selected person in the "Add/Edit Employee" form where the required fields may be reviewed.

    If the target person cannot be found, then click on the "Add New Person" button.

    The system will display the "Add/Edit Employee form; all required fields are high-lighted in red.
    After entering these fields you are ready to check all appropriate courses and register employee to training course.

    Click on the "Save" button to complete this step.


    You may search for an existing person or immediately add a new person by clicking on the "Add New Person" button.

    Click on the "Search for Person" button to locate and select existing users within the system.

    If the target person is on the list, click on the "Add" button to associate with the current work site.

    The system will display the selected person in the "Add/Edit Employee" form where the required fields may be reviewed.

    If the target person cannot be found, then click on the "Add New Person" button.

    The system will display the "Add/Edit Employee form; all required fields are high-lighted in red.

    After entering these fields you are ready to check all appropriate courses and register employee to training course.

    "Check the multiple employees box" above the "Save" button before you save if you are going to add multiple employees.

    This feature refreshes your Incumbent Worker Tab without having to re-select target employers and worksites.
    Once you are complete with that specific worksite, simply "Click Cancel" to go back to the original grid and begin adding incumbent workers to other worksites.


    You may search for an existing person or immediately add a new person by clicking on the "Add New Person" button.

    Click on the "Search for Person" button to locate and select existing users within the system.

    If the target person is on the list, click on the "Add" button to associate with the current work site.

    The system will display the selected person in the "Add/Edit Employee" form where the required fields may be reviewed.

    If the target person cannot be found, then click on the "Add New Person" button.

    The system will display the "Add/Edit Employee form; all required fields are high-lighted in red.
    After entering these fields you are ready to check all appropriate courses and register employee to training course.

    Click on the "Save" button to complete this step.

    Click on the "Incumbent Workers" tab.

    Click on the link below the "Search for Person" button labeled "Click Here to Upload Your Employee File".

    A new screen will pop up giving you the option to:

    Upload Excel, CSV, or XML Files;

    View Data;

    Import Data.

    To "Upload Files", simply browse your documents, select employee list and click the Open button to upload.

    File name and type will appear to confirm the correct file has been uploaded.

    Duplicate files will show up as error messages, letting you know they will not be uploaded.

    Close the upload window and click the refresh button on the grid to view uploaded files.

    Click "View Data" to verify employees uploaded.

    Once employee data has been verified, select the "Import Data" button to import into the Illinois workNet's IWTS Page.​
  20. What employee information is needed?

    Employee Information Required for IWTS (PDF) - List of all required information needed about the employees receiving incumbent worker training that is entered into the Incumbent Worker Training Plan.

  21. What is the difference between a training course and session information?

    ​A Course is a training activity that earns a credential and must be completed to show an incumbent worker outcome.  A training plan may include multiple courses.  Enter each unique course that earns a credential and must be completed to show an incumbent worker outcome.

    A Session describes the details for each course including: instructions for participants, schedule, location, and instructor information. Multiple sessions can be associated with a course.​
  22. What needs to be completed on a Training Course Session tab screen? 

    ​Select each course from the list at the top of the Training Courses tab, one at a time, and enter the session information for each course.

    Enter the following:

    Instructions for participants - Enter any instructions helpful to participants.

    Other information for participants - Provide additional information, if needed.

    Schedule - Enter the training schedule including dates and times.

    Location - Enter the address for where training is to occur.

    Instructor - Identify the instructor.

    Click the "Save" button.​
  23. What needs to be completed on the Basic Project Information screen? 

    ​Complete all fields on the Basic Project Information screen.

    Click on the "Information Links" to get more details about a particular field.

    NOTE -- On this screen you will indicate if there are any expected occupation upgrades.  Be sure to answer this correctly, it affects the plan when you add "Target Occupations" later.

    Click "Save" once you've completed all of the fields on this page.

    You will see a green confirmation at the top of the page letting you know your information has been saved.  DO NOT PROCEED WITHOUT SAVING.

    Click "Next" to continue.​
  24. What needs to be completed on the Project Hard to Serve Groups page?

    ​Click all check boxes that apply and then click the "Select checked records" button.  If none appy, do not check any of them.  You will see a confirmation message in green at the top of the page and see a listing of groups you selected.

    If you made a mistake, click "Remove".

    Click "Next" to continue.​
  25. What needs to be completed on the Project Sectors screen? 

    ​Click all Sectors for the participating employers.

    Click "Select checked records" button to save your choices.

    You will receive a confirmation message in green at the top of the page and see a listing of sectors you selected.

    To delete any of the sectors listed click the "Remove" link.

    Click "Next" to continue.​
  26. What needs to be completed on the Projects Credentials screen? 

    Click ALL of the checkboxes for each credential that incumbent workers will earn with this training project.  At minimum, "Certificate of Completion" must be selected.

    Click "Select checked records".

    You will receive a confirmation message in green at the top of the page and see a listing of credentials you selected.

    To delete any of the credentials listed click the "Remove" link.

    Click "Next" to continue.
  27. What needs to be completed on the Related Industries screen? 

    ​Select all Related Industries (NAICS codes) for the employers participating with this project:

    From the drop down list select a related industry for your project.

    If you know of a specific keyword within that industry enter it in the keyword filter textbox, otherwise just click "Search".

    From the listing of shown results click the checkbox(es) next to each NAICS code.

    Click "Select checked records".

    If the project includes other industries, repeat this process to identify all of them.

    You will see a confirmation message in green at the top of the page and see a listing of sectors you selected.

    To delete any of the sectors listed click the "Remove" link.
    Click "Next" to continue.​
  28. What needs to be completed on the Related Project Occupations screen?

    ​Select all Related Project Occupations for the incumbent workers who will participate with training:

    From the dropdown list select a related occupation category for your project.

    If you know of a specific keyword within that occupation enter it in the keyword filter textbox, otherise just click "Search".

    From the listing of results, click the checkboxes for all occupations.  If this project serves many or all occupations in an occupation category, select the category ending in XX-0000.

    Click "Select checked records".

    If other occupation categories are included, repeat the steps to identify all related project occupations.

    You will see a confirmation message in green at the top of the page and see a listing of occupations you selected.

    To delete any of the occupations listed click the "Remove" link.

    Click "Next" to continue.​
  29. What needs to be completed on the Target Upgrade Project Occupations screen? 

    ​If you indicated occupation upgrades are expected as a result of this project, select all Target Upgrade Project Occupations:

    From the dropdown list select a target upgrade occupation category for your project.

    If you know of a specific keyword within that occupation enter it in the keyword filter textbox, otherwise just click "Search".

    From the listing of results, click the checkboxes for all target upgrade occupations.
    Click "Select checked records".

    If other target upgrade occupation categories are included, repeat the steps to identify all related project occupations.

    You will see a confirmation message in green at the top of the page and see a listing of occupations you selected.

    To delete any of the target upgrade occupations listed click the "Remove" link.

    Click "Next" to continue.
  30. What needs to be completed on the Traing Couse tab screen?

    ​In the Training Course tab, enter course information:

    Course title - Enter the name of training.

    Course description - Describe the training.

    Training provider - Enter the organization that is providing the training.

    Credential to be earned - Select a Credential that you previously added to the project plan.

    CIP Code - The purpose of the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) is to provide a taxonomic scheme that will support the accurate tracking, assessment, and reporting of fields of study and program completions activity.

    Click the "Save" button. You will see a confirmation message in green at the top of the page and see a listing of courses entered. REPEAT IF YOUR PROJECT HAS MORE THAN ONE COURSE.​