Assessment - Worksite Evaluation

Worksite Evaluation

Jobs - worksite experienceWorksite Experience / Skill Development
Partner InitiatedPartner Initiated Assessment

Purpose: Worksite supervisors use this tool to give interns and youth feedback about their workplace skills while on the job. This assessment was developed for use to provide formative feedback for workers with minimal work experience. A worker’s skills are observed multiple times in different situations during the course of their work experience.  This is ideal for employers (both work-based learning and job placements) to provide constructive feedback available to workforce partner and the worker.


  • Review the Worksite Evaluation Rubric for 10 foundation skills on or before the first day of the experience. Complete a review two weeks into the experience, and again at the end of the experience.

  • Intern / youth practices these skills during his or her work experience.

  • The training provider coordinates / emails the worksite evaluation link to the supervisor. The supervisor completes the evaluation. (< 5 min per intern / youth)


  • Successfully completing the worksite evaluation is defined as scoring a minimum of seven out of ten foundation skills with a rating of “Needs Development” or higher.

  • The supervisor and intern / youth review the results and discuss examples where they excel and how to further develop their skills.

Access to the Assessment and Results:

  • Customers (worker) do not complete this assessment, but they can access saved results through their My Dashboard. All saved results stay with the customer's account.

  • Approved providers will able to complete the assessment or send an automated email that will give the supervisor access to complete the evaluation.

  • Approved providers can view previously saved results through specific program tools.


Partner InitiatedPartner Initiated Assessment

Worksite Evaluation
