Assessment - NOCTI 21st Century Skills

NOCTI 21st Century Skills

Qualify Earn NOCTI Certificate  
Partner InitiatedPartner Initiated Assessment

Purpose: The NOCTI 21st Century Skills Assessment is a non-occupation-specific assessment used measure employability areas identified in the National Career Cluster model. The results can help customers identify their current skill level and skills that need enhancement. There is normally a cost associated with completing this assessment, but it is free for all Illinois workNet partners.


  • The assessment is 144 questions, 3-hour timed, online, and proctored. 

  • Providers order the assessments through Illinois workNet for either one 3-hour session, two 90-minute sessions, or three 60-minute sessions. A text-to-speech format is available for those with special needs.

  • Customers go to the testing site that is identified by the provider. The provider will provide instructions on how to access the online assessment. 


  • Once complete, customers will receive their initial results. Once the assessments are officially scored by NOCTI, the results will populate the customers Illinois workNet account.

  • Customers will be able to download their NOCTI certificate upon successful completion. This certificate can be added to their portfolios as a credential to show evidence of workplace skills.

Access to the Assessment and Results:

  • Customers can access the assessment per the instructions created when the assessments were ordered. These instructions are distributed in the proctored environment.

  • Customers can access saved results through their My Dashboard. All saved results stay with the customers account. 

  • Approved providers will able to view result through specific program tools.


Partner InitiatedPartner Initiated Assessment

NOCTI 21st Century Skills
