Assessment -Other Evaulations

Other Evaluations

Jobs - worksite experienceOther Evaluations / Skill Development
Partner InitiatedPartner Initiated Assessment

Purpose: There are a number of additional evaluations and assessments that may enhance the service provided to a participant by fully reviewing and assessing all of the skills and experiences within a participants background.

Different programs may require an assessment or evaluation that is not tracked regularly in our Illinois workNet system. There is a section where these additional results may be added. In addition, Illinois workNet offers inside of the Career Plan, the ability to write an Assessment Summary on a number of categories. These are saved in the summary section of the Review Assessment tab in the Career Plan. 

The additional evaluations that may be tracked in Illinois workNet include:

  • Accolade
  • Casey Life Skills - evaluates level of skills to deal with life challenges.
  • CASAS - reading and math skills
  • DHS Family Assessment
  • GAIN - reading and math skills
  • GED testing
  • Job Readiness Training Workbook
  • My Next Move and Reality Check
  • ProveIt
  • TABE - evaluations reading, math and comprehension
  • Workeys
  • and many others depending upon the assessment category.


  • Assist the participant gain access to take the assessment.

  • Score the assessment.

  • Track the results in the Assessments section of the customer profile in the Customer Support Center.


  • You will have a more fully rounded evaluation of the participant's skills and may better plan a career strategy.

Access to the Assessment and Results:

  • Customers (worker) do not complete most of these assessments, but they can access saved results through their My Dashboard. All saved results stay with the customer's account.

  • Approved providers can view previously saved results through specific program tools.


Partner InitiatedPartner Initiated Assessment

Other Evaluations

  • Guide for 
